Do I clearly see my dream?
This is the second question in the Put the Dream to the Test Series, "Do I clearly see my dream?" As many of you know I was recently nominated and was a successful candidate for this year's 40 under 40 awards by Professional Services Bahamas.
I have a little secret though...this has been dream especially within the last 2 years. I always admired the concept of recognizing influential and successful leaders for the 30 under 30/40 under 40 in the US and other countries. As you all know I always put in the work never seeking recognition but in the back of my mind thought it would be cool if one day I was considered for it.
I would have never imagined the time would come so soon. I clearly saw the dream and every day I aim to let my actions line up with where I want to be. Yes, I mess up and fall off at times but I get back in the game and keep going. Look your dream/s in the eyes and say, “I'm coming for you!”